Level 8, 220 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, Australia +61 8 9346 5599 info@junominerals.com.au

Mount Mason Hematite Project

Mount Mason DSO Hematite Project

The Mount Mason high-grade hematite mineralisation project is located approximately 12km NW from the Mount Ida magnetite project. It has the potential to be a low cost start-up, near term project with a short payback period and strong positive cash flows. It is envisaged that the proposed Mount Mason project, upon completion, would lead to mining at the Mount Ida magnetite deposit.

The Mount Mason Mining Proposal was submitted for assessment by the Department of Mines and Petroleum in May 2014, and subsequently approved in July 2014.

Following the completion of the positive scoping study, Jupiter completed a feasibility study on the project in 2012. Optimisation of the feasibility study was undertaken in 2014 until the project was placed into care and maintenance until economic conditions improved and infrastructure access can be secured.

Geology & Resources

Hematite mineralisation at the Mount Mason Project is associated with Banded Iron Formation (BIF) and has been mapped over an area of 600m x 200m. The mineralised zone within Jupiter’s lease is bound to the north and south by WNW and NNW trending faults. Weathering associated with the northern fault has resulted in a substantial body of massive to bedded hematite. The hematite is formed by the alteration of magnetite BIF to hematite by fluid movement associated with the interpreted northern fault zone.

Environmental Permitting

Project baseline environment survey reports and associated reports have been completed for the Mount Mason project.

The completion of these reports leaves only pre-construction environmental clearance surveys for priority flora and fauna as a requirement prior to clearing for construction of the mine and associated infrastructure areas.

Along with the Mount Mason Mining Proposal, the Department of Mines and Petroleum have also approved the Yunndaga Siding Mining Proposal in 2014.

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